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Kace.Gen.AI Features Overview
Digital Specialist AI Chats - "ChatGPT"-like communication on your information and insights
Get the best insights from the most popular GenAI LLM models with automatic prompt engineering and anonimzation layer
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Generative AI models and platforms provide access to the biggest information library in history.
But companies, organizations, and professionals still face challenges in adding real value and getting productivity gains from it.
Kace.AI was developed with several features that will instantly help professionals overcome this challenge.
1) Several Instant Business AI Assistants (specialized in management, digital transformation, marketing, HR, operations and supply chain, ESG, cybersecurity, Python and Javascript development, etc.
2) Compare the content from top LLMs providers: Open AI GPT4, Google Gemini, and Perplexity AI with Internet search
3) Exclusive algorithm to combine the best from these models in a new enhancement of unique content!
Comparing serves as a cognitive tool that aids in organizing information and making connections. When we compare, we engage in critical thinking processes, such as analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information. This process encourages the development of higher-order thinking skills, such as problem-solving, decision-making, and creative thinking.
When we are able to compare, we are also able to identify and assess the value of different choices. We can weigh the pros and cons of different options and make informed decisions. Comparing also allows us to develop problem-solving skills. By considering multiple perspectives and different options, we can come up with more creative solutions to complex problems.
Kace.AI is a platform that allows users to compare different models of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Developing a critical sense by identifying complementarities, convergences and divergences in the content generated in generative AI models.
Provides an intuitive interface and with built-in prompt engineering techniques to explore and understand the capabilities and limitations of various AI models.
For corporations and organizations, the Kace.AI platform implements important governance and risk management mechanisms such as access log, connection via API and others.
Kace.AI is not a LLM model. It´s not a competitor of current LLM providers like Open AI, Google, or Perplexity AI. Instead, Kace use their official APIs to apply B2B exclusive prompt engineering library and content comparasion for value extraction optimization.
The current version of Kace.AI compares content generated by generative AI models such as a customized GPT 4 version and Writesonic. (More AI models soon)
KACE implements a variety of business verticals assistants.They are focused prompt engineering techniques that are automatically and transparently applied to user demands to improve the quality and assertiveness of the generated content. KACE also has a library of questions on important topics for people and corporations, such as management, technology, ESG, innovation, Governance, Digital Transformation, AI, Risk Management, etc
Kace.AI is not a LLM model. It´s not a competitor of current LLM providers like Open AI, Google, or Perplexity AI. Instead, Kace use their official APIs to apply B2B exclusive prompt engineering library and content comparasion for value extraction optimization.
Remember when you need to make an important decision and consult at least 2 professionals you trust before making a decision?
Well, Kace presents you, side by side, the content of different models of generative AIs. You have the option of comparing and using the parts of the content, of each one, that generate the most value for you.
When receiving more than one content, side-by-side people automatically develop a critical and comparative attitude towards them, which makes the use of generative AI capabilities more productive and safer.
As few large GenAI models become more and more popular, people are at risk of weakening or underdeveloping their skills to combine, compare, and learn from two or more ideas, concepts, content, etc. The instant available, single GenAI model-based easy-to-get "good response" will impact knowledge development, retention, and creativity while boosting short-term productivity.
That´s why here at Kace.AI we strive to easily let professionals compare and combine multiple GenAI provider's content at once. Side by side.
It´s so great to see users comparing and immediately combining different GenAI-created content to leverage their own human combinatorial creativity. And create their unique content.
These skills can set the ground for developing transformation creativity.
Creative humans are and will be the valuable assets and talent of the future!
Employees knowledge, skills, expertize development and retention
More capable GenAI model to talk and engage your digital channels external and or internal users
Speed up Go-to-marketing strategies and execution
Provide better customer support services digitally at scale, increase customer satisfaction
Just to name a few.
The custom KACE AI Chat module can be trained to learn and respond in natural language to your company's unstructured data!
The AI Chat on this page is a small example of how this new module works and how it can revolutionize how users get value from unstructured data, such as: document libraries, manuals, websites, videos (with transcription), etc.
Information can be on websites and files in different formats such as DOC, XLS, PPT, CSV, PDF and even videos.
It is a large-scale enabler of a data-driven culture.
Much more than a traditional chatbot, which needs to be pre-trained, AI CHAT thinks and reasons, in real time, about this data to produce the most assertive content possible.
Kace.AI takes data privacy very seriously. We do not use our users' data to train any AI model. Any data you provide will only be used to provide the service and will not be shared or used for other purposes without your explicit consent.
Discover Kace Artificial Intelligence
Wonder if you can focus in a single generative ai tech solution?
Take advantage of multiple points of view AI responses
Get the AI response you need faster. By using the context based and curated QUESTIONS !
Rua Guian 300, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Av. Cidade de León 506, Bragança, Portugal
Contact: +351 966 942930
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